Best Exercising Positions To Take For Better Body Fitness and Health.

We all want to stay fit for our Jobs, lovers, challenges etc.
These category of people are the ones eager not to age easily, well this can be achieved with occasional meals and staying fit with some fitness exercises.
Below are five best exercises positions you should try out to stay fit.

First on the list is the:
1. Russian Twist: This type of exercise involves you sitting on the floor with a mat, with both feets stretched forward, with a spherical object of an average weight. Lift the object to your breast level then turn it left and right twisting your body down to your waist to and fro.
The Russian twist eliminates side fats especially in women and men, leaving you with a slender shape.
2. Mountain Climbers: This involves you taking the position of press up but in a free way, then lift your knee to 95° (95 degrees), just the way mountain climbing is done.
3. Plank With Hip Drops: Now you have to persevere in these position because it may appear tiring at first trial.
All you need to do is rest your whole body weight on your elbow and drop your hips simultaneously on the floor just like push ups but in a side ways direction.
4. Side Plank With Reach: Similar to step three but in an advanced way, you get to reach out for your hand with your whole body weight pulled back.
5. Single Knee raise Crunch: Tho position involves you raising one of your feet for some minutes and then change it with the other, continue the changing process with both legs until you are done.
This five positions when practiced for a month will surely give you good results and surprising fitness you never thought of, a friend tried it out and recommended it to his own friend.
All it takes is strength and perseverance.


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